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Boschendal Estate, South Africa

  Reference Data

Our Reference Database contains a wide range of Data, suitable for a variety of applications.

The data is available in Spreadsheet format, as an Access Database and as SQL Scripts to create and load Tables for Oracle, SQL Server and DB2.
To ask for details of the Reference Database, please Contact Us.
Reference Database - All Types - Data Model
We have adopted the approach of having one table,(shown in this diagram) with a field that identifies the type of Reference Data. The reason is that this approach simplifies the validation of Reference Data in SQL, using outer joins.

  List of available Reference Data

Categories and Descriptions of the available Reference Data
Available now ...
Customers Address Types and Customer Types.
Financial Payment Methods and Transaction Types.
Geography Countries, Currencies, Languages, States (US) and Timezones.
Personal Gender and Marital Status.
Available next release ...
Calendar Records Day Dates with Business Days, Weekends, etc..
Can be used to validate Dates and to perform time-related calculations , such as interest payments.
CRM Booking Status, Contact Channels, Contact Outcomes, Contact Reasons, Contact Status and Contact Type Codes
Customers Product Categories and Service Types.
Geography Area Codes and ZIP Codes
Personal Relationship Types and Salutations.

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